The aches and pains

Ok – I’m over exaggerating things, but even so… what have I noticed?

PAIN #1:
For some months now, when I work on the house – even moderatly mild work – I’ve had to be careful with the amount of bending over or sitting down/getting up I do.

I’ve always had a weaker lower back, and now it doesn’t take much at all to throw it off.
All I can figure is that as my spine shape has curved more (so that my overall center of balance stays centered), it’s caused the discs to set differently.
I can best describe it as a ‘dry’, ‘burning’ pain, which causes me to walk something like a penguin (ie. hobble from side-to-side). When I’m in suffering-mode, I wish I had a frame of some sort to keep my lower back from moving. As long as I don’t move, I don’t feel pain.

PAIN #2:
This one is a bit awkward to describe.
It’s almost like the a ‘higher version’ of the feeling you get between your legs on the day after you’ve done a few too many squats!

I read that these pains are due to the alteration of ligaments/muscles in that area to allow for baby passage.
I’ve probably been having these ‘aches’ for 1-2 months now.

PAIN #3:
This one probably started around two weeks ago.
I feel it if I wait too long to relieve myself of bodily fluids.

The best way I can explain it, is that it feels like Eliza is sinking lower as my bladder is relieved. I feel it more on the left side, and it feels like a semi-intense muscle strain / cramp.

If I physically hold my abdomen, it doesn’t hurt as much.
If I tighten my abdominal muscles, it also seems to relieve the ‘pain’.

As if feels muscular, reading of possible (and common) tract infections wasn’t really a concern of mine.
Nevertheless, I bought a big container of Cranberry juice just incase.

I’ve been doing some abdominal stretching, have been drinking 1 measuring cup equivilant of juice 2x a day.
Even after a week of that, I still feel the discomfort if I leave it too long to wee.

I think that Braxton Hicks contractions might be starting up. Twice or three times now over the last couple days, I’ve felt a slight cramp-like tightening in my abdomen. They don’t hurt – they’re like really, really, really mild menstrual cramps.