I’m hesitant to write about this, because I’m rather stressed about the whole thing, and feel kinda stupid … but there’s next to nothing out there on the internet providing case studies of pregnant women who have experienced electric shocks while pregnant, and the outcomes of the same. The case studies from the 80’s/90’s talk about 14-some subjects, which to me is not much of a study.
I got a little electric shock while I was working on the 3-way light wiring yesterday (December 3rd).
I got the shock off the NEUTRAL wire (go figure!!), but it was 3-way wiring, so the neutral could have actually been live, depending on the switch configuration at the time.
I was wearing gloves with rubber coating on the fingers and palm, standing on a ladder with plastic feet, and wearing boots with rubber soles.
I did have some leather gloves that I should have been wearing, but I’d been helping Frank put up siding outside, and the finger tips were moist.
I just figured that moisture and electricity were worse of a combination.
The shock was limited to a sensation in the index finger of my left hand.
I did not feel anything anywhere else.
I did not feel any contraction sensations in my abdomen whether Braxton Hicks or otherwise.
Eliza has been moving pretty much every hour.
She was resting at the time.
I went and researched the effects of a shock on a foetus, only to find the report from the 80s/90s of which 10/14 pregnancies ‘studied’ resulted in foetal death! Great!
I sat down pleading with her to move just to set my mind at rest.
There was no response.
I got up after 5 or 10 minutes and went outside to tell Frank what had happened.
Within the next 30 minutes – I felt her move a bit. The movements were very soft (no hard kicks or punches).
I felt her roll and kick more through the afternoon and into the evening .
Perhaps the shock just scared her (more than likely) so she just withdrew for a while.
In fact, I fell half asleep last night watching her movements ripple my stomach. Very hypnotizing.
Today she’s been giving a nice series of kicks/punches every hour since 7:30am.
Other posts in this blog should keep people updated.
I’m thinking she’s fine – her movements are still coming in strong.
Frank said that he’s got shocks off wires that weren’t even plugged in before …
I am still a bit stressed about it. She’s moving normally and regularly, and I felt hiccups this morning for the first time … but even so… I’m hoping that she’s gonna be ok.