Going with nature

Well, the winter days are getting longer … and so are my work days.
Not literally, mind you – they just seem to be dragging on like nothing else.

Come 2-3pm, I’m so ready for home-time!
I sit at my desk, rubbing my eyes.

My sore pelvis mentioned on the 29th January seemed to go away around the 3rd.
I had a relatively pain-free weekend, which was great, as I was treated to a Blessingway ceremony on Sunday afternoon (8th).

Frank’s mother flew in on the 7th, and she’ll be with us until the 20th.

Today, I’ve been VERY sore, VERY tired, and VERY unmotivated.
My pelvis hurts, and my lower back feels a bit tender.

Yesterday, we went shopping, and I noticed that the Braxton Hicks contractions while walking around were far more noticible than before.

It’s 11:25, I’m at work, and I’m really wishing that I was home.
I feel like sleeping … but also feel antsy.

I bought some Raspberry Leaf Tea on Monday- I had read that it was a great labour ‘tonic’, aiding in a faster progression.
I had also read that you didn’t want to take it before going into labour, as it could act as an inducer.

On further research, I read that the tea/capsules were commonly recommended to mothers throughout their pregnancies, as it aids with the health of the uterus.

I’ve been drinking a cup a day since Tuesday.