Ultrasound Results


I’m SO excited.

I was a teeny bit disappointed that a message hadn’t been passed on for me to bring a blank DVD … they only had CDs, so I wasn’t able to get a 4D moving image … but the experience as it was was just amazing.

The Doctor was Oscar Khawli, and I was seen at the St. Elizabeth Health Centre in Youngstown, where they have ultrasounds capable of producing 3D images.

Unfortunately I don’t have the technician’s name, but she was very pleasant and personable.

Little Eliza was head-down, and appeared to be fast asleep. She had her head nestled between my uterine wall and the placenta, and didn’t want to move for a full face-shot, but nevertheless, the images were just wonderful.

We were able to clearly make out her spine, ruling out any fears of spina bifida, and her lips showed no signs of clef lip (they can’t check for clef palate, because they can’t go inside of the mouth).

Her hands and feet were both as they should be, and her heart, pumping a healthy 148bpm, showed no signs of defects either.

We saw her diaphragm, stomach, kidnies, and bladder in other photos, and also got to see the umbilical cord.

… and now for the photos!!

Eliza's 3D Ultrasound Face Photo
Eliza’s 3D Ultrasound Face Photo

Ultrasound showing the blood flow to and from the Umbilical Cord
Showing the blood flow to and from the Umbilical Cord

Ultrasound showing blood flow to and from other organs
Blood Flow To Organs

Ultrasound showing Femur Length
Femur Length

Ultrasound showing Humerus Length
Humerus Length

Ultrasound showing four chamber heart
Four Chamber Heart

Ultrasound showing that it's a girl
Proof that it’s a girl!

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