“Insisting on the hard way”

One of our neighbours stopped by the other day to ask if there was anything that we were needing in advance of Eliza’s arrival.

My reply was as it has been to the many other people who have asked:
We don’t really need anything – We’ve been really fortunate in that people have given us many, many 2nd hand items.

She asked “well, what about diapers?”.
I replied that apart from day trips, I was planning on using cloth diapers.

I had told her a day or so before that I planned on an unmedicated and non-invaisive home birth, so add to this the mention of cloth diapers, and her eyes rolled up and she exclaimed, “I don’t know why you insist on doing things the hard way”.

The bottom line about it is that just because it’s ‘easy’ for me, doesn’t mean that it’s best for my baby.

They say that epidurals or other drugs used during labor aren’t harmful to the baby … but who are they to say this?
I have read of suggestions that the drugs used in epidurals are closely linked to autism.
Even regardless of this suggestion, why would I want my baby to make the most difficult journey of it’s life to-date all by itself? (By ‘by itself’, I’m referring to the mother being drugged up and not feeling all that’s going on in her body. I believe that baby inately senses the mental/spiritual presence of the mother, and I also believe that it’s the baby who kicks off the whole labour process in a delicate partnership with mother’s mind, spirit, and body. Why would you want to take at least mother’s mind and spirit out of the equation via drugs??).

It seems to me that so many people these days expect everything to be handed to them on a plate.
While I can appreciate the standpoint of doing things the ‘easy’ way if possible, a person still has to evaluate the larger picture and see if the easiest is really the best.

One response to ““Insisting on the hard way””

  1. I enjoyed reading this. Though I did have all my children in the hospital in case there were any issues, I did also have all 4 of them drug free. My blood pressure sky rockets to unsafe levels during delivery so I don’t want to take any chances with being at home and that way they can give me the proper meds after birth to bring my blood pressure back to a normal level. I think our bodies heal much faster if we do what God had intended for us to do which is give natural childbirth. I do understand some people do need a c-section, but if not then by all means do it drug free and natural.

    I also use cloth diapers…..I do buy a package when needed, but only use them on occassion…I have a couple in the diaper bag for when we run out of others or when my laundry is not cooperative and they are in the wash or dyer and my little princess decides to go through the last of the clean ones before I have the new ones done. Way to Go…oh and home birth is illegal in my state still.